This guide will walk you through installing the WhatsApp Message Template App and configuring it to streamline your communication with customers.
1. Create a New Conversations API
Skip this step if the Conversations API has already been created.
- Login your Zendesk and navigate to Admin Center :https://{subdomain}
- Navigate to Apps and Integrations > APIs and locate the Conversations API menu.
- Click Create API Key:
- Provide a Key Name and click Next.
- Copy the following details and save them securely for later use:
- App ID
- Key ID
- Secret Key
Then, click Next to finalize the creation.
2. Create “Sunshine Conversation Basic Auth"
Base64-encoded username:password with Sunshine Conversation API Key as username and Secret as password. Used for authenticating Sunshine Conversation api requests.
1. Use an online tool like (
2. In the text box, input your Key ID and Secret Key in the format:
(e.g., if Key ID = abcd and Secret Key = efgh, input abcd:efgh).
3. Click the ENCODE button.
4. Copy the generated string – you will need to enter the string to App’s Installation page.
3. Create WhatsApp Message template on your WhatsApp Manager portal site.
1. Navigate to your WhatsApp Manager portal site.
2. Navigate to Message Templates page.
3. Create a message template and proceed to the approval process.
It can take up to 24 hours for an approval decision to be made.
More details :
Please note that templates have strict guidelines and policies, and each one is reviewed by WhatsApp for adherence.
4. Once the Status of the template is changed to “Active” in Message Templates dashboard,
click on Namespace option.
5. Copy the message template namespace.
Example: 12341234_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxx
1. Visit the Zendesk Marketplace and click "Install" for the WhatsApp Message Template App. Select your Zendesk account to proceed.
2. Configuration
Kindly fill out each field on “INSTRALLATION” page. You can add up to 12 brands.
a. “Sunshine Conversations App ID” : Enter the App ID created in Preparations step 1.4
b. “Sunshine Conversations Basic Auth”: Enter the encoded Key ID and Secret key in Preparations step 2.4
c. “Channel #X: Zendesk Brand Subdomain” : Enter your Zendesk brand subdomain - You can find the subdomain for each brand in the Admin Center > Account > Brand management > Brands page.
d. “Channel #X: Message Template Namespace” : Enter the WhatsApp message template namespace in Preparations step3.
e. “Channel #X: Message Template Default Values”[Optional] : Here, you can optionally set default values for templates with custom variables.
Add the template name followed by a list of comma-separated default values. Default values must be in the same order as custom variables and can be a hardcoded text or a placeholder reference for ticket fields (must be in double curly braces).
For example, let's say we want to set default values for this template, which has custom variables for first name and brand:
Hardcoded text example:
template_name_here: Bob, Storhub
- With the above setting, the first variable field (first name) would automatically be set to “Bob” and the second variable field (brand) would automatically be set to the specific “Brand name”.
Placeholder reference example:
template_name_here: {{}}, {{}}
- With the above setting, you can dynamically populate the template custom variables with data from the current ticket, such as the ticket requester name or ticket brand name.
- Placeholder references should always be in double brackets.
- Placeholder reference example for ticket custom field: {{ticket.customField:custom_field_123456789}}
- The placeholder references are based on the ticket object here:
Multiple templates example
If there are multiple templates, add them on separate lines in the multiline field.
3. Click "Update" to save your settings.
Updating Configurations
To update your configurations in the future:
1. Navigate to the Admin Center.
2. In the left sidebar, navigate to Apps and integrations > Apps > Zendesk Support apps.
3. To open the app settings for an app, simply click the icon for that app or select “Change settings” from the options dropdown.
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