A monthly discount can be set up at the time of booking. Note that in addition to the existing promo, you can also create a custom discount.
In the below example, the booking is set up with a rule to apply another monthly renewal discount after the promotional period is completed.
1. Click the green Schedule move-in button on the left side, then select the Promo code you need to apply. Do not click the blue "Schedule move-in" button in the popup yet.
2. To apply a monthly discount upon booking, you must create a custom discount by clicking "Custom".
3. For example, if you need to apply a 15% discount every month as a monthly renewal discount starting the second month, the rule should be set up as follows:
Type: % discount
Amount: 15
Start Month: 2
End Month: (leave it blank)
Result: After the promotional period (one-month free in this case) has ended and the customer wishes to continue the lease, beginning with the second month and continuing, they will receive a 15% discount on top of their monthly rental.
4. Click Add to save the custom discount.
5. Click the blue Schedule move-in button.
6. Go to the Unit rental page and select Charges to check what the customer will be charged.
In this example, the customer will be charged as follows:
1st month = First paying month (full rent plus insurance plus tax) + deposit
2nd month = Paying month (full rent plus insurance plus tax) - 15% discount
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